Oct/Nov 1998

Tom Dooley co-edits Eclectica, teaches high school English, and coaches wrestling in Tucson, Arizona.

Chris Lott co-edits Eclectica, scans his junk mail for patterns, and works as an instructional technology specialist in Fairbanks, Alaska.

Pete Armstrong is a writer from Grand Haven, Michigan.

Noel Ace teaches high school English in Southern California. His numerous publishing credits include artisan, inc and Eyes. His fiction can also be found on the net in Pif, Dream Forge, and many other zines.

Devin Barrett does not wish to reveal anything about himself due to the sensitive nature of his subject matter.

Anjana Basu lives in Calcutta, where she works in advertising. Orient Longman India has published a book of her short stories. She has been published on the web in The Wolfhead Quarterly, The Amethyst Review, Duct Tape Press,Kimera, Bathtub Gin, Recursive Angel, Conspire, Pif and The Astrophysicist's Tango Partner. Her story, "Balancing Act," is based on her experiences in a convent school run by the Loreto nuns, an Irish order who have a chapter in Canada.

Anthony Lee Brown is currently serving a life sentence at the Spring Creek Correctional Facility.

Jill R. Deans teaches film and literature at Kansas State University and has published scholarly work on adoption in twentieth-century American cultural texts.

Paul Dubnor is a Chicago native, transplanted to San Francisco, where he's worked variously as a bank teller, cab driver, library assistant, and computer consultant. All of these jobs have seemed cruel, but necessary distractions from writing, which is the only thing he's ever wanted to do. He's written two novels which are still in pursuit of publishers. One of them deals with subject matter similar to "Boxcars." He reports that much of the publisher/agent feedback he's received is that this subject is too taboo.

Ian Irvine is an Australian who has lived in NZ, the US, and the UK. Recent publishing credits include the Canadian Journal The Antigonish review, Lotus Magazine, and Parabola. He is himself the editor of The Animist, which is one of Australia's leading literary e-journals. Ian has just completed a PhD, but in a former incarnation he was an alternative rock singer/song writer. He has also taught history, literature, sociology and mythology at the postgrad level.

JeanPaul Jenack has toiled in a variety of occupations, including elementary school teacher, college professor, TV writer/director, street juggler, circus performer (for 20+ years) and freelance writer. He has just recently returned to actively publishing poetry after a twenty year hiatus. For the past fifteen years he's been the executive director of the National Circus Project, a non-profit arts organization based in New York, working to get non-artistic kids involved in the arts.

Stanley Jenkin's stories and essays have or will appear in Amelia, 32 Pages, Eclectica, The Blue Moon Review, CrossConnectand the Oyster Boy Review. He lives and works in Queens, New York.

Alex Keegan took up writing after recovering from a 36-death train-wreck, in Clapham, London late 1988. In October 1992 he decided to go full-time and five and a half years on he has published five mysteries and seventy literary short with a number of prizes. He is a monthly "how-to" columnist at The Internet Writers Journal and this year will be guest editor for eScene. He also edits the dead tree quarterly World Wide Writers.

Don Mager has published some 250 original poems and translations from Czech and German over the last 30 years, including two books: To Track The Wounded On(1986) and Glosses (1995).

Elliza McGrand hasn't told us about herself yet.

Chruck Nyren has had work published on the web in Pogonip, Yardbird Reader, and Eclectica. "The Minimalist Afflatus" was originally published in The Satire Quarterly.

Brandon C. Pyle is a thirty-three year-old film student from Ohio. He has been writing poetry for fifteen years. One day, when he finds the time, he will finish his science fiction novel(s), write screenplays, own a winery, travel Europe and Asia, and get back to playing a drum set just for the heck of it.

Dr. Ahila Sambamoorthy was inspired to write his poems by Indian landscapes, myth, culture and religion.

Paul Sampson labors heroically as a technical writer for a mammoth corporation. He has been a professional writer and editor for many years, but he prefers to do the kind of writing you can't make a living from. Some of his recent essays and poems appear in The Alsop Review, The 2River View, the British publication World Wide Writers II, and the new anthology Best Texas Writing (Rancho Loco Press). He lives on the outskirts of a small town east of Dallas, Texas.

Ann Skea is author of Ted Hughes: The Poetic Quest (UNE Press, Australia).

Doug Tanoury grew up in Detroit and still lives in the area. Doug has been published in Writer's Digest, The Pittsburgh Quarterly, Poetry Magazine, Agnieszka's Dowry, Recursive Angel, and others.

Deborah Tobola drafted her poem, "In Reply to Gil," during a creative writing exercise at the California Correctional Institution in Tehachapi, California, where she taught for five years. Her poems have recently appeared in Word Wrights, Poetry Cafe and Pigs 'N Poets and are forthcoming in Poetry Motel and Trains and Rain: Poems of Lust (Rust) and Obsession. She is a co-founder and co-organizer of the Anchorage Poetry Slams at the Fly By Night Club in Anchorage, Alaska. Current projects include children's books and an anthology of poetry, prose and art on the prison experience, entitled "Sentence."

Richard K. Weems writes out of New Jersey. His work has appeared in The Crescent Review, The Beloit Fiction Journal, and The Mississippi Review, among others. He lifts weights, he wrestles with his dog (LizziBeth), he sits before Buddha. His cat is not all that bright, but it loves to climb. Ask him of his favorite cheese, and he will say with a smile, "Armenian string."

J. Michael Yates taught at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks some years ago. He has been the featured poet in Avalon two months running and was the featured writer in The Horsethief's Journal for August and September.