Apr/May 2023  •   Poetry

e c l e c t i c a
s p e c i a l   f e a t u r e


In an ongoing series, the editors, former contributors, and readers of Eclectica have been invited to write a poem containing four pre-chosen words. The words for this issue are bliss, agenda, star, and lost.

If you would like to participate in the next special poetry assignment, the new words are park, sugar, storm, and river.

(These are excerpts—click on the title to view the whole piece!)


you consume sunsets like chocolate
chewing fast and hard

Kat Hausler


No agenda, save for
saving my sanity

Jennifer Gauthier


It was just one more body he'd never get to,
but he didn't think it could be a bad thing

Bruce Robinson

Blissed Out Ghazal

Which one of us is unaware of having an agenda?
But only one can be the queen. The rest will all be thrust out.

Greta Bolger


The birds on the trees / in the streets
have found an agenda

Jayant Kashyap

To Say Thank you

Bliss is Herbie Hancock playing Ravel's Concerto in G Major

Elizabeth Wadsworth Ellis

Their Exchange

Most mornings
they carry on and on
and I get lost

Chris Sako