Apr/May 2015 Poetry

35th Anniversary Cruise

by Nicole Borg

Photograph by Rus Bowden

Photograph by Rus Bowden

35th Anniversary Cruise

The trip of a lifetime—
Alaskan adventure—

By the marble staircase and potted palms,
they smile for the camera,

his black bow tie jaunty,
her silver dress reflecting light.

She married the slot machines,
and he, plumbing; but no more.

This is after the scans, tests,
between chemo drips,

before the Hospice call.
With empty umbrella drinks,

they pose in the dining room—
platters of steak, chicken, ham,

crab legs he can't keep down.
They're on a new ship; it's the same voyage—

the passengers take ill,
the crew keeps to their quarters,

the Master missing.
The ship sinks slowly in friendly waters

with much coverage,
commentary, costume change.


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