Apr/May 2003

e c l e c t i c a   p o e t r y


(Click on the titles to view the poems)


Special Feature — Word Poems
Poems containing the words clerk, furry, chrome, and bleach.
Includes a special invitation for the next issue.


To My Husband, Who Builds Porch Steps
Where sapling trees grew through the floor
and out a window, you gave thanks—
the war long past, the soreness in you gone
Chris Potter


Two Poems
I'll compose an urban myth about myself—
all innuendo and quirky incident. Warhol
will be sorry he never met me.
Kathryn Koromilas


Cool Grass Sigh
We once had eyes like open palms,
before our skulls hardened and fists clenched.
Annalynn Hammond


Gacela of a Wedding Day
This will always be the way love enters a room—with a hush.
She becomes the focus of light and the silence such light brings.
J.P. Dancing Bear


Two Poems
They buy me drinks
light my virgin cigarettes
smooth my traffic jam hair
caress my bristled back
Beatríz Cedillo


Two Poems and a Translation
When the soul becomes uneven,
one hears the roar of lions and
the thunder of churchbells
Silvia Antonia Brandon Pérez


Two Poems
The noise assaults like a solid thing,
and a million discs shine briefly,
a raucous dive for a metal tub.
D.W. Hayward


The Hanging
our fingers stuttered
on the exchange of rings
as if suddenly bloated
overnight to escape hanging
Arlene Ang


Note to Jesus
Tell me—how prophetic
is it when you wake up two
nights in a row at 2:11?
Carol Krauss


Childhood with Lobster
He said someone so young should be more obvious
And made me wear a baguette on my head.
You could look like a toreador he said, or William Tell
Andrew Boobier


Two Poems
mothers and fathers weigh so little
their own children might have
buried them—
but they went before
Teresa White


The Perimeters of Immortality
In the blue turbid gloom
of tropical twilight,
the monsoon is poised on gossamer
Srinjay Chakravarti


It was just an aisle imitation
a line of crows on your telephone line
looked like an omen to me
but you liked the sleekness of their feathers
jj goss


Importance of What Is
resemblance matters:
string through the pearls
which otherwise would spill
JB Mulligan


The Saugus
Nothing's like a river's
to and fro against the sea,
tide-wash, catch of kelp, air sting
full of briny sea's salad smells
Tom Sheehan


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