Jul/Aug 2002

e c l e c t i c a   p o e t r y


(Click on the titles to view the poems)

Special Feature — Word Poems
Poems containing the words Dos Equis, dispense, tomb, and album.
Includes a special invitation for the next issue.


Six Poems
Watch the house fill up with light
at dusk when the air
suddenly turns back
remembering how close it is to the sea
D.W. Hayward


Four Poems
Monday is a day full of sin. The taut white skin of you
Comes at me like balloons.
Tom Sheehan


Four Poems
Bob Dylan's on the CD rack,
his voice sounds like a heart attack
C.E. Chaffin


Four Poems
He excites the world
with the weight of his head.
Gabriel Dean


They give out daisies
Emit sky-high belly hoots
They sneeze during mass
They investigate behind all umbrellas
Chris Barnett


Three Poems
The last man who loved me
said I always smelled fresh
and sweet like plants.
Janan Platt


Two Poems
she's in the mirror
again, pleasuring herself
Beau Boudreaux


Who Decides
Are some moments bigger and fatter
than others?
Are some moments flat and shiny
while others are prickly and thin?
David Aronson


Three Poems
A self too stranged to a maze,
motion under motion-shimmering: amaze
at the too thin breaks
Jessica Schneider


It's Sophomore Day
the girls are dressed in peach;
awkward, gawky as fish
Vincent Canizaro


422 North Cherry, Tucson
If it got too loud or we hated the noise, the red Vespa carried us east to the canyon or the western desert or HoJo's for fried clams.  
Shann Palmer


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