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The Krenek Sestinas

poetry by Don Mager

I - II - III - IV - V - VI

Chance and system cavort. Strike the keyboard lightly.
Mountains and deserts meet. While fingers spell phrases
a late refulgence glows alone in mind’s closet .
Brash youth straddles the world, of course, time rushes past.
Old man, time has run out. Standing defiantly,
who ever gets it right? Do systems give us truth?

Chance and system cavort but do they give us truth?
Mountains and deserts meet, strike the keyboard lightly.
A late refulgence glows. Standing defiantly
brash youth straddles the world. While fingers spell phrases,
old man, time has run out. Of course, time rushes past.
Who ever gets it right alone in mind’s closet?

Chance and system cavort alone in mind’s closet.
Mountains and deserts meet. Do systems give us truth?
A late refulgence glows. Of course, time rushes past.
Brash youth straddles the world. Strike the keyboard lightly
old man; time has run out, while fingers spell phrases.
Who ever gets it right, standing defiantly?

Chance and system cavort, standing defiantly.
Mountains and deserts meet alone in mind’s closet.
A late refulgence glows while fingers spell phrases.
Brash youth straddles the world. Do systems give us truth,
old man? Time has run out. Strike the keyboard lightly.
Who ever gets it right? Of course, time rushes past.

Chance and system cavort and of course, time rushes.
Mountains and deserts meet. Standing defiantly
a late refulgence glows. Strike the keyboard lightly.
Brash youth straddles the world alone in mind’s closet.
Old man, time has run out, “Do systems give us truth
and do we ever get it right?” Fingers spell phrases.

Chance and system cavort while fingers spell phrases.
Mountains and deserts meet, and of course, time rushes.
A late refulgence glows. Do systems give us truth?
Brash youth straddles the world standing defiantly.
Old man, time has run out alone in mind’s closet.
Whoever gets it right strike the keyboard lightly.

Strike the keyboard lightly while fingers spell phrases.
Alone in the closet, of course, time rushes past.
Standing defiantly, do systems give us truth?

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