Apr/May 2015 Poetry

Lost to Lewy Body

by John Grabski

Photograph by Rus Bowden

Photograph by Rus Bowden

Lost to Lewy Body

In the dark, a visceral calm
Spiraling lead sailing unsheathed
Enter the shoulder, exit the palm
Slackened white clad porcelain teeth

Spiraling lead, sailing unsheathed
From the chamber, its lethiferous kiln
Slackened white clad porcelain teeth
Reset the tape, replay the film

From the chamber, its lethiferous kiln
Kaleidoscope bursts, ruptures a crack
Reset the tape, replay the film
Nameless faces, tangled in plaque

Kaleidoscope bursts, ruptures a crack
Out, the spectral darkness streams
Nameless faces tangled in plaque
Halt the film, steal the dream

Out, the spectral darkness streams
Enter the shoulder, exit the palm
Halt the film, steal from the dream
A leap, to the visceral calm


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