Jan/Feb 2004

e c l e c t i c a   p o e t r y


(Click on the titles to view the poems)


Special Feature — Word Poems
Poems containing the words sacred, passport, lion, and echo.
Includes a special invitation for the next issue.


Two Poems
The white of an egg and a blinded eye
Are all I have to see her by.
Brad Bostian


Two Poems
someday we'll have land of our own
and we'll bury each other there when we're gone
christopher watkins


The Love Song of a Mermaid
On the strand, people say hello
Speaking slightly in falsetto.
Amy Taylor


You said I'm a wet dream
& a nightmare, that I make you float.
Jalina Mhyana


he didn't punch he clipped
he didn't smoke he sucked cupped lips
John G. Hall


She wants him to take an ax to her,
to this forest of dryads chiming in her head
Kristy Bowen


But old oak wood freed of nail companions
has its own vocabulary
Tom Sheehan


Temple in Bishnupur, West Bengal
A terracotta temple, perched
among the power of its own silhouette,
lent itself to speculation.
Sumanta Sanyal


The Rattling
Behind the curtain a man
is dying.
Jude Goodwin


Fate of the Human Queen
Wherein lies the law that says
no suspension.
Amy King


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