e c l e c t i c a   p o e t r y

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Canciones de Los Viejos
"...we dance,
la bailar de los muertos,
clinging to the ivory of our fingers
like children again ..."
David E. Cowen

How it Tasted
"... and it smelled of plumeria and rain on cracked asphalt
and it sounded like the bells at the voctech across the street ..."
Katrina Grace Craig

The Road to Good Intentions is Paved With Horses
"... Besides, idle hands make light of work unless
there is a bird in them ..."
Peter Munro

Two Poems
"... Over the wreck, a vulture’s bleak shadow
wavers like water, breaks like a wave ..."
Necca Stoller

Two Poems
"... the husband confesses
his sense of priorities
it's his new business ..."
Suzanne Fortin

"... Aimless in corridors with terrazzo floors
As I search for Eurydice in airport
lounges ..."
Doug Tanoury

"... Hematite sheds red-brown,
the girl at the fountain tosses hope,
walks away ..."
Daniel Weinshenker

Three Poems
"... holding his perfect
baby boy, arms and legs bivalves
cradling precious pearl. ..."
Joan Godfrey

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