Jul/Aug 2017

e c l e c t i c a  
h u m o r  &  s a t i r e

Humor and Satire

(These are excerpts—click on the title to view the whole story!)

A Collusion in the Desert? between Thought and Action

Ben's father attempted a coup of sorts a few decades ago. It failed, the attempt to create a new nation in the aforementioned region devolving quickly into a bungled effort that resulted in multiple arrests. Myriad charges ranged from disturbing the peace to treason. The Governors of Utah and Idaho, in a legendary show of clemency, issued a joint pardon to Ben's dad and his co-conspirators. They waived all charges in exchange for a written agreement from Ben's father to never again engage in "subversive revolutionary activity nor promulgate any propagandic literature, merchandise, or media aimed at the incitement of anti-government passions." Ben's father signed the pledge. A framed copy hangs in Salt Lake City's Leonardo Museum.

Gracjan Kraszewski


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