Jul/Aug 2016 Poetry

Two Poems

by Jessy Randall

Photographic Artwork by Victoria Mlady

Photographic Artwork by Victoria Mlady

Teaching Will to Drive

He idles around the parking lot
at two miles per hour, hitting the brake
every five seconds.

He wants to know what every button does.
I don't know what every button does.

I deliberately push the mirrors
off-kilter so he can fix them.

He is surprised that driving is fun.
He is surprised that driving with his mom
is fun.

From now on, I'm the passenger.


The Mandatory Doomed Love Song at the School Dance

This is a new song at school dances.
For the duration of this song
everyone has to find a partner
with whom love is doomed.

When the song comes on
there's very little hesitation—
all the pairs glide right out and put
their arms around each other.

Admit it, you know exactly who
would be your dance partner for
the mandatory doomed love song. In fact,
the band would have to play the song

many, many times. In fact,
the majority of times. In fact,
the whole dance, or almost the whole dance
would be this song, over and over,
faster and slower, louder and softer,
still the same song.


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