Apr/May 2016

e c l e c t i c a  
h u m o r  &  s a t i r e

Humor and Satire


Game Changers

The First Four are Masters (Mistresses?) at turning disadvantages to advantages. If their skin color was crayon, it would be labeled blanched cadaver because they spend so much time underground, often with colds or some other illness from the damp cave habitat. Lyric nearly died three months ago of histoplasmosis, a fungal infection acquired from bat guano.

Paul Handley


Donald Barthelme, David Foster Wallace and Etgar Keret walk into a bar...

Donald Barthelme, a psychoanalyst and a duck walk into a bar. They take seats, and the bartender is Etgar Keret. None of the three seem to realize who the bartender actually is, or if they do, they're not letting on.

Thomas Ferraro


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