t h e s a l o n
Commentary by Stanley Jenkins Tom Dooley and Thomas J. Hubschman
f i c t i o n
Stories by Alex Shishin, Abbas Zaidi, Lior Klirs, Jerry Budinski, g. martinez cabrera, Richard Jespers, Chase Dearinger, Mathias B. Freese, Michael K. Meyers, Ernest Bazanye Sempebwa, and Richard Dragan
p o e t r y
Verse by Stephen Germic, Gay Baines, Michael Crane, S.L. Corsua, Michaela Gabriel, Lauren Henley, Rose Black, Laura Madeline Wiseman, Elvedin Nezirovic, David McAleavey, Aseem Kaul, Vasyl Holoborodko, Dmytro Kremlin, and Guiseppe Getto
n o n f i c t i o n
Prose by Andrew Coburn, Talha Jalal Farah Mehreen Ahmad, Gloria Garfunkel, and Mary Kathryn Bessinger
t r a v e l
Travel writing by Jim Parks, John M. Edwards, Emily Grosholz, and William Reese Hamilton
i n t e r / r e v i e w s
Reviews and interviews from Colleen Mondor, Gilbert Purdy, Ann Skea, Ideogu Oke, Penelope Schott, Don Capone, Ed Southern, Joe Mills, and Elizabeth Glixman