Apr/May 2009

e c l e c t i c a  
t r a v e l


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Later I sat next an uprooted tree and read a book. I read until a cow walked up to me and started scratching its rear end on the tree. Then a girl with a soccer ball walked by, asked me if I liked the island, pointed to the cow, and walked away. I kept reading.
Rachael Jackson


Home Sweet Home
Outside my door the remaining commotion gradually quieted till my drowsy eyes finally overpowered the adrenaline and I slipped back into a restless sleep. Dreams of Charles Dickens' colorful characters packing automatic weapons through old towne London crowded me through the night—a disconcerting blend, I assure you.
Aram McLean


Shooting Pistols At Paper
The problem is this. Though you may have the finest handgun available, the best ammunition and state of the art holsters and magazine pouches, the weapon still has all the menace of throwing a rock at an attacker if you don't know how to use it for maximum, deadly effect.
Jim Parks


Slicing the Pizza
Manny the Belgian began renting Eduardo's building for his pizza restaurant some six to eight years ago. He's a bohemian with long graying hair, a beautiful wife young enough to be his daughter, and a reputation for doing things on a shoestring, catch as catch can.
William Reese Hamilton


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