Jan/Feb 2009

e c l e c t i c a  
t r a v e l


(Click on the title to view the whole piece)

The Beaches
It's weird in Italy to be without a clinging, sticky-fingered child or a tanned, Aviator-sporting boyfriend or a hunched-over grandmother or aunt.
Laura Motta


The Globalization Grinch Who Sponsored Christmas
I'd entered the country through Mexico's Soconusco Valley by the same route Spanish conquistador Pedro de Alvarado used in 1523. This time, however, the indigenous people were ready.
Lyn Fox


Watchful Eyes
Hemingway lived an international life, he was a man of the world; so it was not surprising that Europeans had such an interest, but The Hemingway Home is more than a traveler's destination, it is a pilgrimage site. In a way, all travelers are pilgrims, seeking truth, to add meaning to their lives.
Clifford Lamm


Tracks of the Tenderfoot
Tracks have become one of those unfounded reassurances, like a home, a family, a life's work, a tombstone. Some miniscule vestige of where we've been, who we are. And now, spending time alone on dirt paths and mountain trails, I take special pleasure in noticing the many signs left along the way, by a burro, a snake, a barefoot man, my own sandals.
William Reese Hamilton


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