Vol. 12, No. 4
October/November, 2008

s p o t l i g h t   o n . . .
The poetry of Susan Slaviero
f r o m   t h e   e d i t o r s
Tom Dooley says a few words
t h e   s a l o n
Commentary by Thomas J. Hubschman and Tom Dooley
f i c t i o n
Stories by G.K. Wuori, Meg Pokrass, Nick Bakshi, Bojan Pavlovic, Gary Moshimer, Roxanne Payne, S.J. Brooks, Simon Barker, Chez Pauff, Sheila Killian, Martin Roxby, Jason Armitage, Chelsey Flood, and Nancy Saunders
p o e t r y
Verse by Jared Carter, Siddhartta Bose, Don Thompson, Lori Lamothe, Cecily Niumeitolu, Barbara De Franceschi, Bob Bradshaw, Vanessa Gebbie, Antonia Clark, Greta Bolger, Taylor Graham, and Jennifer Finstrom
n o n f i c t i o n
Prose by Kevin Brown, Gez Devlin and Monika Lange
t r a v e l
Hitting the road with Tony O'Brien, Elizabeth Mack, Dorothee Lang, Richard Lewis, William Reese Hamilton, and Micah Nathan
i n t e r  /  r e v i e w s
Reviews and interviews from Colleen Mondor, Ann Skea, Elizabeth P. Glixman, Donna George Storey, Niranjana Iyer, Alan C. Baird, Uche Peter Umez, Scott Malby, and Gilbert Wesley Purdy
Reviews & Interviews