Jul/Aug 2006 Nonfiction

Faces of the Homeless

by LeAne R. Austin

Imagine their faces.
Imagine being alone,
cast away,
unwanted and walking the dirty streets,
searching for a different tomorrow.

Photo by LeAne R. Austin

See their eyes.
See these orbs
beseeching contact
while you avert yours,
not wanting to be drawn into the moment,
into the pain and the fear.

Photo by LeAne R. Austin

Picture the years,
tracing lines down cheeks
that have seen too many days in the sun
and too many nights in the cold,
wind and rain forever etching their tales
into the bronzed flesh.

Photo by LeAne R. Austin

Seize the moment.
Seize the opportunity to stop time
and capture one single instant of connection,
because it is the moments that we remember,
not the days.

Photo by LeAne R. Austin

Paint a picture.
Paint a story on a living canvas
that tells its own stories,
that cannot be spoken in words.

Photo by LeAne R. Austin

Imagine the faces of the homeless,
share my vision.


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