Vol. 6, No. 4
October/November, 2002

s p o t l i g h t   o n . . .
the poetry of Pamela Gemin and the fiction of Laura Ellen Scott
t h e   s a l o n
Editorials by Tom Dooley, CE Chaffin, Stanley Jenkins and Paul Sampson
m a k i n g     t i m e
Don Mager discusses classical music
Making Time (Music Review)
f i c t i o n
Tammy Bakos and Eljay Persky go young,Steve Silkin takes a journalistic journey, Annette Ferran waxes domestic, and Stanley Jenkins spins mean noir.
p o e t r y
Seventeen talented poets, including Robert Lietz, Allen Itz, Tania Rochelle, and Duane Locke, plus the "word poem" feature/challenge returns!
m i s c e l l a n y
Robert F. Walsh exposes Catholicism; A. Lebowski finds America, and Amanda Millay gets unreal.
i n t e r  /  r e v i e w s
Ann Skea and Allen Gaborro review books.
Reviews & Interviews