Oct/Nov 1998

e c l e c t i c a   p o e t r y


Indian Sunset
'She is still dazed by the dream
an Arabian jasmine crushed by hungry bees
forsaking the honeyed darkness of sleep'

Ahila Sambamoorthy

Five Poems
'bug-eyed mistress
of the grave
sweet sad seductress
of the moon man'

Ian Irvine

Jane and Ngozi by Copley Square
'Your hair, latticed by a regimen
of ropes and pleats, keeps nothing warm.'

Elliza McGrand

Two Poems
'In the blood-coloured cage
Behind my ribs
The lion circles.'

J. Michael Yates

In Reply to Gil
'The last taboo is falling: elephants weep, cedars talk,
random divinity dances, burners on fragrant snow.'

Deborah Tobola

Two Poems
'It's Sunday morning,
And I'm walking
Down Main Street '

Doug Tanoury

The Wedding
'188 jurors judging bride vs. groom all rise'
Brandon C. Pyle

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