Oct/Nov 2019 Poetry Special Feature

Like All Things Indigo

by Essah Cozett

Like All Things Indigo

I started hearing spirits
call my name when
I was a child
when I was
brown sugar sweet
when I was paper thin
I'm like them
we're constantly silenced
my mother always
warned me not
to answer but like
a butterfly I feel
vibrations in
my wings and
sometimes that
scares me like
cruise control
I turn on the
TV and anchors
brew global
deceits meanwhile
I can't keep
my eyes off my
Instagram timeline
this Facebook post
about my tweet
about that email
about time
someone noticed
I write on walls
like graffiti
in the dark
I'm calling
but no one answers
maybe no one
hears my spirit cry
no one is taught
to answer my
questions that
are unwrapped
raw like earth
like giving birth
we can't bear
the burden so we
torture ourselves
then cry in therapy
only to turn
traumatic then call
it a muse
they call me indigo
pills can't cure this
baths can't
cleanse me
time is moving
forward and
here I am resisting
the call
because I'm still
scared of the
the pain will
bring like that
damn hurricane but
I know what doesn't
kill me just might
make me stronger
which will make
me like my mother
then I will
hear God


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