Apr/May 2018 Poetry

Dinner with Zukovsky

by Carole Mertz

Found: in ABQ – studio art jewelry by Jessica deGruyter

Found: in ABQ – studio art jewelry by Jessica deGruyter

Dinner with Zukovsky

It was 1963. Paul invited his friend Dave
and Dave invited me, his then girlfriend.

The dinner in a Manhattan brownstone
with father and mother, was private;

no others present. Tongue-tied I
merely listened. Knew nothing of his

work and less of Catullus. Didn't know
Celia had written the genders, cases,

and meanings word-for-word
below the Latin lines. Learned

that Catullus was bawdy, but couldn't
discern why Celia had hung such dark

ink-blue and white drapes, so different
from what Mother would have chosen.


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