Apr/May 2018 Poetry Special Feature

The Moon Has Nothing to Be Sad About: A Golden Shovel

by Devon Balwit

Found: in ABQ – studio art jewelry by Jessica deGruyter

Found: in ABQ – studio art jewelry by Jessica deGruyter

The Moon Has Nothing to Be Sad About: A Golden Shovel

The woman is perfected. Her dead body wears the smile of accomplishment. —Sylvia Plath

She shields herself within the
armature of a hashtag, this every-woman,
bristling with indignation. Her soul is
hidden, even as her story pings to myriad in-boxes, click-bait perfected
like ganache, a drizzling of affronts, a surge of rage. Her
eyes smolder like lamps seen through smutted panes, dead
flies and finger-smudges dimming her current. Even so, her body
winks on and off, on and off. It wears
bruises we match our fingers to, relieved when the
purpled grip doesn't fit. We've been warned her smile
will elude all who demand it. When we catch a glimpse of
its sidle, we count it our greatest accomplishment.


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