Apr/May 2014 Poetry

Cranes Fly In

by Bob Bradshaw

Image courtesy of the British Library Photostream

Image courtesy of the British Library Photostream

Cranes Fly In

Awkwardly they land in the rustle
of wetland grass and immediately engage in conversation
with anyone who will listen.

Like college students on spring break
in Fort Lauderdale,
they are happy to be here.

The males are cruising
for good-looking girls,
striking up light-hearted talk

with any female who doesn't
immediately shun them.

A couple strides off together,
vocalizing and throwing their heads

audience members
at a comedy club. They are amused,
delighted with each other's stories.

They strike up a slow dance,
showing off their moves.

Like kids on a field trip,
they raise their voices

ecstatic to be let out
of school for summer break.

Darling, I carry your photo in a locket,
close to my heart. Will I
ever again know such joy?


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