Oct/Nov 2012

e c l e c t i c a  
t r a v e l


(Click on the title to view the whole piece)

El Peso
We pulled in, and he ambled across the road to greet us, "Hola, hi there, Peso senores, any spare pesos amigos?" At a dozen to a dollar, it was a hard pitch to reject, even harder when you factor in the remoteness and merciless heat of his locale. Who doesn't have a spare peso? And soon enough, he had ours.
Gerard Devlin


Going Home to Wisconsin and Texas
Being home in winter for the first time in ten years showed me how far away I had gone. Once you get used to warm winters, visits to the Northlands become like trips to Disneyland, almost unreal. Yet there was no doubt that I walked on the ice of Lake Winnebago and showed the boy what the ice fishermen were up to with their big drills and chairs and warm boots.
Michael Spice


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