Jan/Feb 2012

e c l e c t i c a    p o e t r y


(These are excerpts—click on the titles to view the complete poems)


Special Feature — Word Poems
Poems containing the words blanket, acorn, backward, and refract.


Better to Be Safe
When we have a quiet moment
in the safe places, she says the trucks
make her think of tasting her own blood
J. Kelley Anderson


III. Usurper
You'll find sand dollars instead
of rent, and toss them into green-
mouthed waves.
Rachael Jennings


An albino buck's
in the neighborhood.
Miriam Kotzin


Two Poems
If there were no night,
would there be fewer horrors?
Ivy Grimes


Paperboy's Lament
blank pages
are those
I like best
Vincent Canizaro


Two Poems
Everything else you see is up
        and far beyond
Your progress here.
Jared Carter


Two Poems
Not special enough, you
think, not special at all
Kelly Nelson


It was my joy to guide her,
revealing all I had discovered
walking by myself.
Marjorie Mir


On Being Mistaken for Part of the Entourage of the President of Iceland
I was not aware that I resembled
a dandelion gone bad
John Branscum


Little Bo Peep
I keep telling myself
this is radiance.
Andrew Morris


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