ECLECTICA Nonfiction - Jul/Aug 2009
Jul/Aug 2009

e c l e c t i c a   n o n f i c t i o n


(Click on the title to view the whole piece)

Confessions of a Hapless Reader
When I finished, I put my typewriter away and set the index card in the center of my cleared-off desk. The list was perfect. Thirty-two books, ten of them genuinely great books, the others entertaining or edifying works of fiction, theology, ethics, history, and biography. An utterly manageable list contained in a convenient three-by-five format that could double as a bookmark.
Gregory Dunn


In Praise of the Rut
Not surprisingly, I rather enjoyed the romantic view of writers (which included students for me) who work when they are inspired, act spontaneously, and live in the moment. Also not surprisingly, I did not get very much done.
Kevin Brown


Venturing West: America Beckons
It was a campus teeming with young men—boys all eager, busy, and surprisingly concentrated on learning somethng. A new world for me, after a mediocre high school education in the Bronx. It seemed like a prayer answered. And, best of all, it fed a persistent need in me to go my own way, to find a path independent of my two imposing Hunter sisters, whose brilliance was the talk of our neighbors.
Julia Braun Kessler


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